Monday 26 May 2008

Cultural Imperialism

Please explain to me the logic in producing a film about British history in Hollywood and casting every lead role to shit American actresses/Australian actors, with a fucking American voice over on the trailer. MAKE YOUR OWN FUCKING HERITAGE, HOLLYWOOD.

To be taken away from this experience:
a) Hollywood is a pile of wank and should be burnt; alive
b) I'm English 'till I die, etc.

Friday 23 May 2008

Death As The New Pornography

We've been drifting melancholy. Spinning stories, lying in fields asking the stars to teach us. Learning to think and feel and see. Talking in wound up tones of wit and spite, the conversation runs in courses of love and hate. We speak in quotes and inside jokes; say it louder. Eye contact, heart work, these are the makings of break downs and worn outs. Frayed synapses, split lips, the mind plays cruel tricks. Face value, punch in the face, saving face; on the face of this earth no one else is on our level. Half hearted attempts to participate in relationships. Arms length is a fine place to observe from. I will hold you there until it's over and your deceit is dead. When you don't flinch at cold hands on cold skin, dilated pupils and wrists without a beat to them. We are plagued with destruction and indifference. The dead make good company, we have nothing to lose.

It's too late to live.

Monday 19 May 2008

Bad men do what good men dream

This is anxiety.

Gut wrenching, stomach turning, too much to handle with a level head.
Fists of fear are pounding my front lobes in rhythm to a heavy heart;
the count down is reaching it's final mark.

There's not enough oxygen to fuel shallow breaths and racing thoughts.
The ceiling has no answers, closed eyes offer only temporary relief;
no corner of the unconscious mind is safe.

Beat some sense out of fraught, wide eyed brown bag attacks.
Dig in the nails of cold, clammy hands to beg for peace;
stinging subsides to throbs of sense.

Get it in your head and know that whatever it might mean for now,
this is not the end.

Keeping busy trying to avoid everything and everyone. Going to sleep early is no luxury when I wake myself up constantly with an overactive mind and disconcertingly real dreams. 
To dream safely:

DON'T watch before bed

DO watch before bed

Sweet dreams/lego sing-alongs.

Sunday 4 May 2008

Eating Dust

My mind is so empty of logical process I have resorted to writing in the dust lining my skull.