Wednesday 11 March 2009

Reasons for Feeling Shit for No Reason

from 16th January 2009

Although there is no definite evidence of such a downfall, everything could fall apart at the tip of the see saw of life. Tip, like a fucking retarded, fucking, black girl opposite a midget.

The red bull and vodka I'm drinking, that was left over from last night, has lost it's bubbles.

Knowing that although things aren't totally shit right now, certain people and things not being in your life would ultimately make you happier. I am a coward.

Memories of when things really were going badly, how little you could do to stop them then and how little you will be able to do when things go that way again. Made worse by those in a position to help doing fuck all and consequently even after resolution, bitterness and mistrust remains.

Weakness in other people pissing me off is only a distraction from my own faults.

Procrastination from productivity.

Petrol will not stay cheap for long.

Eternal youth is unachieveable; there's not much time left before hitting reverse.

Being really happy only means that an abrupt end to everything going well is suffered a hundred times worse, so why fucking bother?

The need for appreciation, in every form.

Knowledge, and lack of it.

Conclusion, There is always a reason.
It's nice to have someone around who will take the time to look for it.

Friday 6 March 2009

Death March

A long overdue explaination;

things have become a lot more complicated since Christmas. I've been constantly ill, stressed and generally had other things on my mind than this blog. Any of these blogs. It makes me sad to see how long ago my last posts were and how little contact I have had with my friends on Blogger. However, while life looks up perhaps I'll find myself touching up the keyboard a little more often. Please don't say I spoke too soon.

Other than that, my status is currently 'ill' shortly followed by 'poor' and 'mildly concerned'.
More to follow, I asure you.