Friday 18 July 2008

No need to say goodbye

The garage is full of lots of half packed brown boxes. In less than a month's time it's results day and I'm taking that as my cue to disappear for a while. Lucky for me that my hermit hideout is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. 

This temporary life is a short escape from civilization, consumerism and humanity in general before University begins mid-September. Trust me, a break followed by a completely fresh start is something I really want/need. However, there's a couple of things tugging at my heart strings. Leaving my closest friends is going to suck, especially as two of them had a baby in May. It's going so be weird not being able to sit on Chels' bed having conversations about penises or going to the pub with Jim, Sam and Baz. There better be good pubs in Scotland. Can't live without a good pub, me. It's taken a long time to get to the level we're on, and I'll admit that I have my reservations about whether there'll be a bunch of people up north as outspoken, provocative, crazy and intelligent as the solid fam I got down here. Maybe it's something that needs addressing anyway, the lack of enthusiasm I have for getting personal. 

Don't doubt that moving out, starting Uni etc is something I'm looking forward to. I can't wait! Just please, you people up there where I'll be soon, don't ask me to be anything that I'm not. And you people down here, where maybe one day I'll come back to visit, don't forget about me or think we're any less friends because of how far away we might be. 

And I guess I've only just got round to posting this:

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