Saturday 22 November 2008

Got no bollocks

Because the cold has frozen them off. Student accommodation might have it's perks but the radiators don't work. Last night is half blacked out, half amazingly cool. My fish tank needs a clean. On the desk is a pile of plasters, drugs and Marlboro Red packets. The washing hasn't finished yet. My flip flops say 'I heart London'. Beside the laptop is a notepad with the words 'So shoot me' at the top of the page and a mind blank underneath it. The colours ran and stained my Sex Pistols t-shirt a weird greeny blue. My MSN is flashing. Every time I think my brain shuts down a little bit more. There's so much to look forward to and such a massive gap between things as they are now and how I would like them to be. It takes hard work.

Red is polysemic for water, bed, smokes, hair, buses, Shaun of the Dead, Paris, love, hate, irony, scars, gel pens that smell of cinnamon, Youtube, Alkaline Trio, error messages, the beads the Jimmy wore a lot, lipstick kisses, being woken up by the sunshine, self destruction

and everything inside my head that doesn't make sense and doesn't express itself properly.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Half Fucking Empty

So I'm really pissed off right; a complete mood swing from about an hour ago when everything was pretty much okay in my head. People taking the complete piss, taking a mile when they are offered an inch, taking liberties they don't fucking have. And boredom. Of my lectures and how they drag without telling me anything I give a flying fuck about, of this room and it's four walls and how little sky I can see from my window, of every person who can't see the line and refuse to stop being so bloody claustrophobic. And guilt. Not calling when I'm supposed to, leaving things too late, being so busy and not having any motivation when I'm not. And anger. 

At me and everyone and everything else that's hammering at my brain, trying to make sense. 

Somewhere in there I'm curled up in a ball listening to the sound of time and pressure knocking holes in my skull thinking there must be a way out. Somewhere.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Last night's mind explosion

1.30am, 4th November 2008

tonight I crave
and intimacy
come into me
and beat my guest

close enough
to be far apart
mind and matter
it does matter
when you close
your mind
to being a part
of this

words, clues
cuts, bruises
grazes, scratches,
fingers, mouth

and a masterpiece of inspiration that made me get back up and turn my light on again just to write it down,

I don't know
where I stand
or if I stand
at all

maybe I float
I drift
I sink
I lie
next to you
on your chest

feeling your heart
as I fall asleep

maybe I fall
too uncertainly
too uncomfortably
I don't know
where I stand
when I lie
next to you 

to your face
we live a lie
in your back
we lie a lie
worth living
at least tonight

on your heart
I don't know
where I stand
or if I fall
in a lie
worth lying for

Monday 3 November 2008

to be continued

there was a boy who wasn't
what he said he was

you should have known
by the way his fringe hid his eyes

wide eyes
don't act so surprised

tight lipped
not the only place
rib cage
it's there for a reason

read between
write between
the lines on his legs
leave a message after the