Thursday 6 March 2008


I'm listening to From First To Last's first album. It's not as bad as I remembered.

Today's high point: eating an entire box of Breadsticks in under half an hour and a text message that turned my frown upside down.

That actually was as good as it got - for future reference I AM THOROUGHLY BORED. Tormenting me right this second is the fact that the time of posting on this blog comes up as the time I begin writing, not when I hit 'publish'. To clarify this point, rarely is said button clicked before half 11 at night. More energy bytes go into these spurts than previously assumed.

Getting down to business; Microsoft and I are at war. Word has been playing up for about a week and so far I have been unable to open two files essential to my sanity of mind. The first contains quotes, jokes and bits from songs and books. It's a log that's been kept for quite a few years and is not something I would accept losing. Number second, my own and others spurts from journals, rhyming stuff and notebook scrawlings. The kind of spurts that work themselves together mid-doing something else, which is why I carry a scribble pad everywhere I go in case one pops up. Again, losing this file is not an option. Hence, when Microsoft word started throwing tantrums when I went to browse, I got pissed off.

Long story short, the files are now in Notepad. Not ideal. However, I refuse to use Microsoft anymore and shortly will be downloading free alternatives. I will NOT be controlled. Tough shit to whatever prick came up with it.

A change of direction; let me suggest to you some ways to spend your rainy days:
Pink Is The New Blog - Celebrity culture meets cynicism and sarcasm. A daily fix for anyone who doesn't give a shit but isn't anti enough to not touch the stuff.

2. Stay updated with
Lara Jade's Flickr (or Official site here)

3. Splash some paint with
Jackson Pollock

Alternatively, tune into
Find Me The Face on BBC3, Tuesdays @ 8pm
download Queer as Folk from 4oD and enjoy
plug in some Code Name Pilot

In a worse case scenario resort to blogging where no one will see.

For a moment of reminiscence, a smidgen of old stains.
It’s a black and white world, short-lived highs and vicious lows, contradictions, irony, sarcasm and cynicism. But let’s think positively. The end gets closer every day, they keep reminding us. Caught on the hooks played on a loop in the shopping centre, don’t boast in overpriced happiness or paint you short-lived highs in rainbows. The underwhelming generosity, a love you can buy in sachets. What is it but one big advertisement for something we’ll never achieve? When the bones get old the bone yard takes it’s victims and new blood seeps into the centre of the world’s attention. Just pretty bits of flesh, dolls with porcelain faces and all the bits that make a person tick tied together with compromise and jumbled in an over sized, overpriced sweat shop shoulder bag. It’s a crumbling facade. I hate to break it to you, but this isn’t a game to see who has the most beautiful friends. Accelerate with your eyes closed. It’s a dangerous business being the boy everyone wants to know. Don’t you dare ever show anything but a happy face; agree with everything they say. You’re here to be used.

The new violence isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, we're as down as we seem. Fake it for the people that need you to be fearless. Every man for himself, we’ll destroy ourselves. If you were mine I would wrap myself around your indifference and never let you go. Some day I’ll make a choice to compromise with my imagination & come to find you. The stars will tell us if we're right.

Something more substantial will appear tomorrow because I have made the executive decision not to go to college. Friday night = party night therefore the spurt will be executed earlier than usual.

To give closure,

They should have left us in the dark
Where we couldn’t compare
Or see what we didn’t have
Maybe we’d still listen
If everything wasn’t so blindingly obvious
And organised
We’d still have the raw passion
For what we believed in
Before everything turned commercial
And life became a cliché
Love would still be blind

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