Thursday 14 August 2008

Goodbye from George and I


This is farewell, for a month or so anyway. Where I'm off to there's no such thing as 'communication', in the wilderness it's send a sheep or nout I'm afraid. Upon my grand return, once this laptop's hooked up to the University accommodation wifi, a new blog will be born in addition to these two. The new blog will have substantial-ish daily posts on everything from Existentialism to Agyness Deyn and eventually stand as an example of my writing skills at a, hopefully, more academic level than the informal posts on this blog. 

Tomorrow morning at approximately 5am, my car, George, and I will be heading 350 miles 'up', head banging to Pendulum et al. all six/seven hours of the way and pit stopping at all my favourite service stations. There's one with a waterfall, groovy or what? ANYWAY. Goodbye for now, we'll bump into each other in cyberspace sooner or later.

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Last night's insomnia

12/08/08, early
Open, closed
Side, back
Open, closed
Their both black
Time winds on
Mind winds up
Taught and ready to snap
Over, under
Front, back
Over, under
Losing track
The clock
and thoughts

The walls are closing in

watched 'In Bruges' on DVD, oh the glorious moment of unwrapping a film and sliding it out like a new born baby, fresh to the world and ignorant of everything but itself. Was just as good as the first time round, although my laptop widescreen hardly bears recognition to the whopper in Vue.

filled the car with boxes, stood around looking pleased with myself, emptied the car of boxes

There's a white gap in my wall where I took down my sexy Ikea bookcase. I live in the converted garage, a weird shaped white box filled to the brim with everything I own. It's not much, because I am not a great believer in material possessions and I'm a serial cleaner. Clutter = bin, good stuff left over is what makes my little box home. Not for much longer; my things and I are moving to a new, darker box. First a garage, now the bothy. But that's how I like things, simple. Boxed up and boxed in. 

Time is dragging now it's set.

Saturday 9 August 2008

A Collection of Spurts from 2004-2008

These are some of the poems, if you can call them that, scraps and general spurts of words that have accumulated on my computer from Autumn 2004 to Spring 2008.

c. Winter 2004
Follow Her Down
She’s here you know. There. Lying next to me. 
She has her back turned to me. 
It’s been a long time since we last spoke. 
Last time I saw her is even further back in my memory. 
But I remember it. 
She hugged me. When she left. 
She surprised me. But I held her tight. 
And now she’s lying next to me on the grass. 
The stars are out. We should be cold. She can’t feel it. 
It’s time to turn her over. I want to see her face. 
But when she rolls back. 
All I see are her eyes. 

She’ll take my hand and pull me upwards. 
Her arm rests on mine and I hold her close. 
The silent music is enough for us to hear. 
We’ll dance in the dark. 

But she has to move on. I have to stay behind. 
She wants me to follow her. 
I wish I could. But that would be selfish. 
So I drop her hand and kiss her forehead. 
And she leaves me. 

Her life has ended. 
But that doesn’t mean yours has to. 
When you are ready. 
Follow her. 

In Memory

c. 2007
When you wake up and decide that everything's changed 
And when the song doesn’t finish where it's meant to 
After time's gone on for too long and 
We've spent forever after beyond. 
When you're not sure anymore, but 
You have no questions to be answered. 
The last time you do something you've always done 
And the times you never look back on it. 
Every word you've ever spoken that 
CANT be taken back, when 
You feel alive but you've stopped feeling, you've 
Found the perfect somebody, who 
Turns out to be a perfect tragedy. 
The hands you cant turn back and 
Words that cant mend. 
Only laid down to try and explain, but 
There's nobody to read them. 
The one where I wake up and feel alive, 
When the music goes on forever, 
There's always someone to hold your hand and 
Always the crush to be felt. 
When everything was changed at the start, 
And books don’t have an ending.

c. 2005
The Stars Will Tell Us If We’re Right
We could be infinite 
Laid out under the stars 
The dark has always concealed 
The flaws that overshadow
How we really feel 
Stripped down 
You can’t lie to the sky 
It sees everything 
And everyone 
The world can’t wait 
But the sky holds every moment 
As if it is a last 
In the moments that everything changes

c. 2006
The new violence isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. We can do each others drugs and get spun till we can spin no more. Last out a high in trips and flashing colours, paint our scene by numbers. It’s okay to lie and watch the clouds turn into sky and stars and the black reach down and touch our dreams. We’re as down as we seem. 

The end gets closer every day, they keep reminding us. Caught on the hooks played on a loop in the shopping centre, filled with bodies of robots, look down on them, watch from above their level of numbness. Are they content with emptiness? Losing to win in the race to the sales of souls. The signs are busy but they move on up to the end of everything their lives depend on. 

c. 2006
They should have left us in the dark
Where we couldn’t compare 
Or see what we didn’t have 
Maybe we’d still listen 
If everything wasn’t so blindingly obvious 
And organised 
We’d still have the raw passion 
For what we believed in 
Before everything turned commercial 
And life became a cliché 
Love would still be blind

c. 2005, after hearing about a call to Childline made by a girl who had overdosed but refused to say where she was, asking only to be sung to as she fell asleep.
The Other Side of Morning 
Please don’t call for help 
I don’t want an ambulance 
I’ve taken more than they can stop 
I’m sorry but I don’t want help
Just please listen to me as I cry 
Sing me to sleep as I die
c. 2005
Stinging Subsides to Scarring 
Marked once for giving in
And having all three meals
And once again for trying to
Tell someone how I feel
This is my private punishment 
For all the things I do 
It’s either hurt myself
Or I take it out on you

c. 2006
she's a sick bitch
self involved uncontrolled
never know what will come 
out of her face next
the track bipolar extreme of
fierce selfish interest
in what's 
more inside her head than out

he's the manic craze 
that flicks and switches
clicks between over active 
over thoughtful and 
counter productive
nerdy nice because
he tries to please and win 
the affection she seemingly
hates to receive

each end of the spectrum
gains momentum
I'll meet you where the
X marks STOP

c. 2007
Today I played a game on the Internet 
It said you might find hope 
If you’re luck’s good enough 
But I highly doubt it 

Today I clicked a link on the Internet 
That told me my score 
Was as bad as it gets 
I haven't figured that one out yet

Today I took a quiz on the Internet 
I think I might have missed 
The point 
My solution wasn’t listed

Tonight my Internet got disconnected 
And to speak plainly I had nothing else to do so I went to bed early

c. 2008
Getting shit faced, off your head, out of it, drunk, high, smashed, junked up, spun, fucked up, wasted absolutely legless. That sounds like a good night out, like a laugh, bit of fun, something to pass the time, for parties, for college, a first time buzz, a lifestyle. In your mates house, on the street corner, in the park, in bed, in a squat, behind the bike sheds, on the roof of Somerfields, in the back of a car, on the top of a car, in a warehouse, under a bridge, in the hospital toilets. This isn’t just getting it out of your system; this is keeping the system sedated.

18th May 08
Cut the crap
count backwards
step sideways
through the system's hoops
hope for the best
the unchallanged
goes unnoticed
getting away with
stench of blood under 
noses, dried blood
under fingernails 
bang bang, 
who's dead?
As long as you could
have done nothing
about it
on your head, be it.

Splitting headache;
the split open
with a knife
puncture any organ
inside, type.

His skull, bleeds black
down his sorry spine
no soul in sight.

Unforgiving throbbing,
thought out snaps
of synapses;
slide the blade in and
our sin is complete.

His head is conquered
with only late reactions,
contortions and spasmistic
to show for his master's
migraine of spite.

Delirious with ignorance in a whitewashed box of aspirations. Surrounded by the ones who made it without making it obvious, looking up to walls of faces who know how to hold their pose and places which make what I've seen of this world inadequate and inarticulate. One moment says a thousand words. And so it runs

in reels and stutters, cigarette burns, clicks, claps, the grind of life and what it brings; what will be brought. Snap nicotine stained fingers: tickets to every back row, grinding in the underground, banging hips with screamers, screen workers, believers in threadbare lust riots. Drink up, pink lips, drink up. Up all night, dancing in bat caves, up with the stars, feeling infinite, up and screwing harder than DIY in '77. Going on into our last hours. To our drawn out ends we get down, dirty in sweat, hot with working down to the ground. Leave the lights off,

that is our last request.

Where is this going?

Tuesday 5 August 2008


Once again germs have invaded my kung fu master of an immune system. Fucking black belt bugs. Everything is going mental in my sinuses, sandpaper throat, screwdriver of a headache and frankly I feel bloody unwell. Still, I'm not missing a day of work (if you call 3 hours a day, part time employment - gotta love it) just because I feel like shit. I need the money. 

Adding to the general (sneeze) discomfort is the WORRY piling up on my shoulders. It's no secret that I am a worrier, I'm good at it, must have something to be concerned about or what's the point, eh? So I am a grand total of £7000 in debt, and that's without the 4.8% interest that will start accruing in September. "Take out student loans, no interest!" Well there is now.

Apparently the 0.001% interest it began with has suffered massive inflation due to the fucking credit crunch. GREAT. Just fucking great. I'm going to live in a box for the rest of my life, excellent, just what I always dreamed of. FUCK YOU, stupid fucking Government. Why the fuck should I have to pay your shit institution just to get a bit of paper that says I have letters after my name? What we need is a massive fucking revolution. 


Saturday 2 August 2008

An Evening's Entertainment

From sometime last year


R-E-D. There’s nothing he can do about it now. S-N-A-P. Finishes her off with a few well-aimed words of spite. C-R-Y. That’s all she does these days.


He decides to make up.


He is bored of waiting for her to say something. Her face is pale and soft at his touch. It takes kisses and a hand between her legs to dissolve the awkward silence. A finger to her lips, a finger inside her. Rolling hot wet red. Throbbing. Control. He dominates her fragile frame; unsatisfied more names spill out in uneven, rough thrusts of contempt. Thud against the wall goes the headboard of the unmade bed. Slumped she is crumpled beneath his anger. Unclenched he retreats to the wide screen TV at the foot of his kingdom.


We score. Still no retaliation from our victims.


We win. The screen zips to black; he replaces the controller and lies back alongside his conquest.