Saturday, 22 November 2008
Got no bollocks
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Half Fucking Empty
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Last night's mind explosion
Monday, 3 November 2008
to be continued
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Party Animals
Last night was party night. This morning feels great. Maybe it's because we're all young and inspired. That's how it rolls. After a long evening of Ring of Fire, smashing cans of beer on our heads and having several visits from the residential co-ordinator, Iggy, the party moved to Flat 260, that's where the party animals and I reside. Kris started playing his guitar and suddenly, there were all these party people crowded into his tiny room, sat on the floor, crammed against the walls. He lost it, playing so strong and singing in his great accent. That was the first infinite moment, right there. It could have been the end of everything, a room of complete strangers, because really that's what we are and were. Maybe not knowing made us closer, physically and through the love coming out from Kris. I have no doubt that's what it was, even if he was pissed. It all means something and everything. Of course, it came to an abrupt end when we were hauled out to chain smoke, though that made us all closer again. Nicotine and alcohol brings out really great shit from people.
Morning after the night before, life goes on in misty mornings, black coffees and Kris singing along to Bob Dylan or something in his room.
Today, being here, hearing him across the hall and the others making breakfast or whatever. Makes me feel alive.
Back to Flat 260. Stumble through dirty fountains and urban underpasses. Party animals, we come out at night.
In the dark, meaning over anything. Under the influence spill out your heart and in the morning we'll pretend nothing was ever said. Heads on laps, legs, resting, pacing, that's our hearts beating. Faster, harder, stronger. Lying out listening to love, the guitar and blood rushing around our
Slow down your breathing. Maybe we could make it last
our strange love
it feels like home for now.
Black marks, lie ins, every head going round the bend with thoughts of the night before. Takeaway, picnic in the corridor, sat outside the boundaries and shared, most importantly, shared.
Drink up and out. Shots out of shot, shooting up on red bull and vodka, wavering by the bar, perched on stools around a table roost – out to the dance floor.
Watch us shake it, beats. Jeans, fishnets, heels, horns. Saints or Sinners. White light, red heat. Feel the beat. Dance like there's no tomorrow, no one else out there but this jagged circle, no home just time and space and people. We are playing the world's game, well.
What am I to you?
More significant than who I am or what I feel like, everything real means nothing if you are held in no one's high regard. My heart runs on love of others. I am independent output, dependent input, without you I am nothing. Your words can make me no one or the only one. Assumptions and high hope fuel the distinction between living and being alive. Hurt me. At least then I know I am worth your spite. Lying awake, asleep. The highest intimacy requires time, there's no rush, lie back, hold tight and just be. Be with me. Everything amounts to how your heart beats. My indifferent love – tonight I crave proximity. Break me apart, use any part as you wish. Tell me and touch me. To have your attention drives me faster. Who am I, to you? Decide my fate weighed out in attributes and appreciation. What the fuck am I to you? That leaves me nowhere, conquest. Alone, invincible. Give me affection and I am vulnerable. Show me what I am to you, or I might never believe it.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Slides in and out of focus.
The pattern on the carpet spells out our fate. Inside my mouth feels sore and chewed up, because that's what it is. It's a habit I got into when I met you. The first time we met, and I didn't know what to say next, so that's what I did. Chewed up, biting the sides of my mouth. Like a kind of punishment.
Our stolen glances are out of sync. "It's bothering me."
Now you have a reason to look, so you do. Hi.
“What this could mean.”
Propped up by elbows. Or hands, depending on how you look at it. Are you looking, no, at my leg. From the knee to half way down the calf is a long split of the flesh, held together by red, black and yellow blood, scab and pus.
“Can you not look at that?”
You keep your eyes where they are, then, slowly, look away out of the open balcony doors.
“You worry too much.” Something's drawn you up, out to stare over the tops of the trees and across to the row of balconies on the other side of the avenue. “Great view up here.”
“Yeah, yeah it is. A fucking great view, that will be the same fucking great view for as long as we're up here.”
“Fifth floor?”
“Too high to jump then?”
I know you're not looking at me because if you were, well. The back of your head is smoking. Out comes a half empty packet of cigarettes, out comes one particularly fat one, even though they're all meant to be the same, flick, lit, in and out it goes. Nicotine stained air.
“You could abseil it. No one would miss you.”
“I'd be alright then, at least I'd be dead or dying on the ground. Better than being well and truly alive up here with you being such a dick about everything.”
There's a bit too much thigh showing. A quick hoist of the bath robe and it's sorted. Enough to keep you guessing anyway. If you ever turn round, which I expect you will when you decide you want a toke or six. True to form, you mutter something about nothing I expect and saunter over to steal my fag, suck on it like there's been a drought and shove in back in my waiting fingers, a mere stub.
You can't see, I'm glowering. Yes, at you. Mangy old bastard.
My feet get cold. Time to move. There's nowhere really to go, except to the bathroom and then you'd only come banging on the door after two minutes asking (hopefully?) whether I'd topped myself. I feel a tantrum coming. Actually, this flat is too small to throw a decent one, and if you're going to behave like a child, you might as well do it properly.
“Got a plan then, Maestro?” Our arms touch, sharing the rail. The cute guy we sometimes see shopping in Lidle is watering his balcony, shirtless. “Oh I see. Right.”
The plants get fed, he disappears. I'm the next best thing.
“Not really. Seeing as your last attempt went so well.” Idly, you finger the end of the black spikes separating us from the neighbours. And the rest of the world. “Don't worry, I give you permission to eat me if I die first.” You think for a moment. “There's no way I'd touch you. Not enough to fill a plate.”
“Fuck off.” I wouldn't mind eating you now, actually. But I don't suppose that option is on the menu.
The Sacre Coeur looks great this time of evening. I think you are equally lost in the horizon, meaning we're in for a long night of thinking aloud and staring at ceilings. You put your hands behind your head and stretch. Has anyone ever told you that you have good armpits? Because you do. Now I really want to hug you. Timing my move, I grab you round the middle as your arms drop back down.
“You love it.”
Maybe that's true. We fit pretty well, for an odd couple. Couple, ha. That might provoke assumptions. Time will make you desperate, and we've got plenty of that.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Goodbye from George and I
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Last night's insomnia
Open, closedtickSide, backtickOpen, closedTheir both blacktickintickoutTime winds onMind winds upTaught and ready to snaptickOver, undertickFront, backtickOver, underLosing tracktickintickoutThe clockand thoughtsbeatinoutbreatheoutinbreatheout
The walls are closing in
Saturday, 9 August 2008
A Collection of Spurts from 2004-2008
Follow Her DownShe’s here you know. There. Lying next to me.She has her back turned to me.It’s been a long time since we last spoke.Last time I saw her is even further back in my memory.But I remember it.She hugged me. When she left.She surprised me. But I held her tight.And now she’s lying next to me on the grass.The stars are out. We should be cold. She can’t feel it.It’s time to turn her over. I want to see her face.But when she rolls back.All I see are her eyes.She’ll take my hand and pull me upwards.Her arm rests on mine and I hold her close.The silent music is enough for us to hear.We’ll dance in the dark.But she has to move on. I have to stay behind.She wants me to follow her.I wish I could. But that would be selfish.So I drop her hand and kiss her forehead.Perfect.And she leaves me.Her life has ended.But that doesn’t mean yours has to.When you are ready.Follow her.In Memory1990-2004
THE SLAM, ACHE, GRIND OF BODIES IS WHAT I LIVE FORWhen you wake up and decide that everything's changedAnd when the song doesn’t finish where it's meant toAfter time's gone on for too long andWe've spent forever after beyond.When you're not sure anymore, butYou have no questions to be answered.The last time you do something you've always doneAnd the times you never look back on it.Every word you've ever spoken thatCANT be taken back, whenYou feel alive but you've stopped feeling, you'veFound the perfect somebody, whoTurns out to be a perfect tragedy.The hands you cant turn back andWords that cant mend.Only laid down to try and explain, butThere's nobody to read them.The one where I wake up and feel alive,When the music goes on forever,There's always someone to hold your hand andAlways the crush to be felt.When everything was changed at the start,And books don’t have an ending.
The Stars Will Tell Us If We’re RightWe could be infiniteLaid out under the starsThe dark has always concealedThe flaws that overshadowHow we really feelStripped downYou can’t lie to the skyIt sees everythingAnd everyoneThe world can’t waitBut the sky holds every momentAs if it is a lastIn the moments that everything changes
The new violence isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. We can do each others drugs and get spun till we can spin no more. Last out a high in trips and flashing colours, paint our scene by numbers. It’s okay to lie and watch the clouds turn into sky and stars and the black reach down and touch our dreams. We’re as down as we seem.The end gets closer every day, they keep reminding us. Caught on the hooks played on a loop in the shopping centre, filled with bodies of robots, look down on them, watch from above their level of numbness. Are they content with emptiness? Losing to win in the race to the sales of souls. The signs are busy but they move on up to the end of everything their lives depend on.
They should have left us in the darkWhere we couldn’t compareOr see what we didn’t haveMaybe we’d still listenIf everything wasn’t so blindingly obviousAnd organisedWe’d still have the raw passionFor what we believed inBefore everything turned commercialAnd life became a clichéLove would still be blind
The Other Side of MorningPlease don’t call for helpI don’t want an ambulanceI’ve taken more than they can stopI’m sorry but I don’t want helpJust please listen to me as I crySing me to sleep as I die
Stinging Subsides to ScarringMarked once for giving inAnd having all three mealsAnd once again for trying toTell someone how I feelThis is my private punishmentFor all the things I doIt’s either hurt myselfOr I take it out on you
M A N I Cshe's a sick bitchself involved uncontrollednever know what will comeout of her face nextthe track bipolar extreme offierce selfish interestin what'smore inside her head than outhe's the manic crazethat flicks and switchesclicks between over activeover thoughtful andcounter productivenerdy nice becausehe tries to please and winthe affection she seeminglyhates to receiveeach end of the spectrumgains momentumI'll meet you where theX marks STOP
GET ON YOUR MYSPACE FACEToday I played a game on the InternetIt said you might find hopeIf you’re luck’s good enoughBut I highly doubt itToday I clicked a link on the InternetThat told me my scoreWas as bad as it getsI haven't figured that one out yetToday I took a quiz on the InternetI think I might have missedThe pointMy solution wasn’t listedTonight my Internet got disconnectedAnd to speak plainly I had nothing else to do so I went to bed early
LeglessGetting shit faced, off your head, out of it, drunk, high, smashed, junked up, spun, fucked up, wasted absolutely legless. That sounds like a good night out, like a laugh, bit of fun, something to pass the time, for parties, for college, a first time buzz, a lifestyle. In your mates house, on the street corner, in the park, in bed, in a squat, behind the bike sheds, on the roof of Somerfields, in the back of a car, on the top of a car, in a warehouse, under a bridge, in the hospital toilets. This isn’t just getting it out of your system; this is keeping the system sedated.
Cut the crapcount backwardsstep sidewaysjumpthrough the system's hoopshope for the bestthe unchallangedgoes unnoticedgetting away withmurderstench of blood undernoses, dried bloodunder fingernailsbang bang,who's dead?As long as you couldhave done nothingabout iton your head, be it.
Splitting headache;the split openwith a knifepuncture any organinside, type.His skull, bleeds blackdown his sorry spineno soul in sight.Unforgiving throbbing,thought out snapsof synapses;slide the blade in andJERKour sin is complete.His head is conqueredwith only late reactions,contortions and spasmisticcontractionsto show for his master'smigraine of spite.
Delirious with ignorance in a whitewashed box of aspirations. Surrounded by the ones who made it without making it obvious, looking up to walls of faces who know how to hold their pose and places which make what I've seen of this world inadequate and inarticulate. One moment says a thousand words. And so it runsin reels and stutters, cigarette burns, clicks, claps, the grind of life and what it brings; what will be brought. Snap nicotine stained fingers: tickets to every back row, grinding in the underground, banging hips with screamers, screen workers, believers in threadbare lust riots. Drink up, pink lips, drink up. Up all night, dancing in bat caves, up with the stars, feeling infinite, up and screwing harder than DIY in '77. Going on into our last hours. To our drawn out ends we get down, dirty in sweat, hot with working down to the ground. Leave the lights off,that is our last request.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Saturday, 2 August 2008
An Evening's Entertainment
8.13R-E-D. There’s nothing he can do about it now. S-N-A-P. Finishes her off with a few well-aimed words of spite. C-R-Y. That’s all she does these days.
He decides to make up.
He is bored of waiting for her to say something. Her face is pale and soft at his touch. It takes kisses and a hand between her legs to dissolve the awkward silence. A finger to her lips, a finger inside her. Rolling hot wet red. Throbbing. Control. He dominates her fragile frame; unsatisfied more names spill out in uneven, rough thrusts of contempt. Thud against the wall goes the headboard of the unmade bed. Slumped she is crumpled beneath his anger. Unclenched he retreats to the wide screen TV at the foot of his kingdom.
We score. Still no retaliation from our victims.
We win. The screen zips to black; he replaces the controller and lies back alongside his conquest.
Friday, 18 July 2008
No need to say goodbye

Thursday, 17 July 2008
Mate, you got me the wrong way around
Waiting for the end of the world
The credits could roll any second now. A conclusion that leaves the audience believing there is more to come for us, though not for them, and what hasn't been resolved will be. Quieter, out of the way, in our own way. Our excerpt was interesting. Everyone can relate to that. But the lights are too bright and show no sign of dimming. Jimmy's fingers stutter over the last notes and with the abrupt end to the music, everything slides back into focus. No more screen tests. Back to tinkering with the Slovakian piano and barely acknowledging the old men who smarm at how great we are on the way to do their business. One by one, alone or in pairs, they file through. And we were on the edge of ending the world.-Face down, laid bare. Oblivion overwhelmes every sense, sleep weighs on my eyelids. The piano's clunk is softer now there's a reason to be quiet. Don't drift, sink. Wherever it is my consciousness is going, the keys' mellow melody carries me. One hushed lullabye to lull an insomniac into the false security of sleep. It plagues me. Playing beauty into a cavern of weary longing, beneath the ribs that cage a heart straining to work. It could go on infinitely; concluding, secluding. But when I'm woken by exhaustion, it's gone and in place of the comforting sound, arms are wrapped around my chest. Hands over the beat, which keeps me dreaming and waking and waiting for the end.
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Agent Provocateur